Well, we have had a really shocking day today. I got a call today about 11:30 am from Frank telling me that his Dad was in full cardiac arrest and was being taken to Banner Baywood Hospital. By the time I pick up the kids from school at 12:30 the police had called me on my cell phone telling me to get my family to the emergency room. With that phone call, I knew right away that he was gone. I got the kids home, my friend Trudy came to watch the kids for me and we rushed to the hospital. The doctors informed us there that he had passed away and that he had died instantly. That was a relief, that he didn't have to suffer. They were never able to resesitate him. We knew he was sick with an infection, but nothing we thought he would die from. We had been so focused on and worried about Frank's Mom that we had no clue this was coming. Frank's sister Sandy and her husband Jack, along with Frank, Kristen, Megan, Andre and I got to spend a couple of hours with him in the emergency room after he passed. It was really sad, but great to see him. We knew we would be able to see him again at the Mortuary, so this was not our final goodbye. It makes me so sad to see Frank so upset. He is our Rock, I wish I knew how to take some of the pain away.
The "R's of the Atonement
8 years ago
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